Let's go back to a simpler time when a naive 18 year old checked into a dorm room for the first time. Barely knowing anyone in the state, there to greet everyone was an RA. Sure, we never were super close, but it was nice to have some organization in that hall of excited freshman.
Fast forward to about 3 years ago. Now working full-time, I left my first organization. Shortly after, the RA's began...except this time they were "resource actions." I was sad for my friends and sad that I was not really in the loop now that I was gone.
Then, about 2.5 years ago, it was the first time we had an RA in my current department. I think that was only contractors, but it's not like it isn't still emotional for them AND us. We thought it was a matter of time before all the contractors were gone, but only one remained...the one with whom I was closest...
In the last month my area had RA's again, only this time it was "regular" employees. Since this is my 3rd time through, you would think I would handle it better. I'm afraid, though, that I am BY FAR handling this one the worst. Sure *I* am safe, but so many emails are flooding my inbox with "farewells". Some of the friendliest people I've met around here are now gone. Some of the people that did not let this work environment get them down....well, I guess now it has. :( This one has really bothered me because of how far-reaching it is. Also, because of the economy, I know these folks will have a harder time finding a new job than in the past.
Even in a selfish sense, I do not feel I can rejoice at keeping my job. This whole experience has made it harder to put in those extra hours knowing that you are just a number and possible a "cost savings" to those above you. I mean, sure, I realize that a company is here to make profit, but I think from Dr. Lewis's class I learned a lot about how to value knowledge workers & how to keep the work force productive during an RA. I have not yet seen that around here. I keep waiting for it to happen, and I hope that it will once this "final week" is over. Once everyone is gone, I really hope things get better, but I fear this is just the beginning of very tough times...."do more with less"...sure, we always hear that, but I feel like it will be felt more than ever.
Besides work, my life couldn't be much better. So, I feel like it is harder and harder to neglect my personal life to get ahead on my projects/career. How do you keep going, knowing that you could be next if you don't? How do you not let your job interfere with your personal life when you know you are expected to work the extra hours...walk the path your predecessors have worn down before you...? If you could afford to live off of your spouse's income, do you think an RA would hit you less hard or is it still the emotion of feeling rejection?
I think it is interesting how different areas handle it. For example, we still get bonuses here, etc. but have RA. My friend's company they just forced everyone across the board to take a 10% cut (wonder how high up that goes, tho!)...just heard on the news last night that there is a local co. that laid off 25% then gave execs a raise...Can anyone think how this can be justified, because it just makes me sick?
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